(Sent this a while ago on a work account, but I guess it didn't go through.)

I am nearing completion of the following modules:

DBD::FusionTables - Mostly complete except for tests/docs; however Google
is wanting to fix a lot of their bugs in Fusion Tables before they consider
it worth using.

DBD::TreeData - Needs docs/tests, but it is so far working great.  Just
used it to create a few schemas via Catalyst/DBIC.

DBD::SNMP - Not quite as complete as it's read-only, but I'm actively
working on this right now, so that I can create DBIC schemas from it.

How can I get a prefix set up within DBI?  These are the unofficial
prefixes I’ve been using within the modules: fust, tree, snmp.  Can I take

Brendan Byrd/SineSwiper <sineswi...@gmail.com>
Computer tech, PERL wizard, and all-around Internet guru

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