Hi Roy

See updated gist for re-run and module versions.

And, I'm on the list, so no need to copy me directly.

On 17/01/17 10:09, Roy Storey wrote:
Hi Ron,

Thanks for taking the time to have a look. I see you are using 5.20.2,
could it be that your installed modules are not at the same version as
mine? Sorry for not being more detailed in my report. I've updated the
'cpanfile' to lock to specific versions I'm using and removed the
'quote_empty' option as it is only in Text::CSV_XS >= 1.18
it is not required for this.

I'd be grateful if you could fetch and re-run - without quote_empty
updating modules shouldn't be required (I just ran with Text::CSV_XS
version 1.17 as a check).


On 17 January 2017 at 10:51, Ron Savage <r...@savage.net.au
<mailto:r...@savage.net.au>> wrote:

    Hi Roy

    I ran your code - unsuccessfully -  and added the output as a
    comment to your gist.

    On 16/01/17 20:54, Roy Storey wrote:


        I'm here looking for help with an issue I'm having with DBD::CSV.

        Specifically, I'm attempting to use the 'after_parse' callback
        to handle
        a csv file with a data defined variable number of columns and hit a
        warning on an attempt to free unreferenced scalar during global

        I've prepared a minimal example at
        so show
        the issue. The two test scripts process the 'input.csv' with
        and DBD::CSV respectively and only the latter exhibits the

        It appears to be 5.24.0 specific. I'm using default perlbrew
        built perls.

        Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?

        Thanks in advance.


    Ron Savage - savage.net.au <http://savage.net.au>

Ron Savage - savage.net.au

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