Am 07.03.2014 18:25, schrieb Jaime Fuentes - Ditecal:
> I have an HMail Server and  recently installed a dbmail server. At this 
> moment I'm migrating accounts from the
> hmail server to the new dbmail server using offlineimap.
> When I tested this utility, it ran ok, but now, I received this strange error:
> Mar  7 18:15:40 correo1 dbmail/imap4d[16682]: Error:[sql] 
> dbmysql.c,db_query(+290): [Duplicate entry
> '' for key 'physmessage_id_2'] [INSERT INTO 
> dbmail_headervalue (headername_id,
> physmessage_id, headervalue) VALUES (16,1162,'')]
> Can someone tell my why? And how can I solve it without deleting all the 
> database?

are you sure that the message is not inserted?
as far as i remember that doubled headers are just skipped
dbmail_headervalue is only a cache table

that is just fine because it makes no sense have the same header
with a identical value twice inside the same message

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