On 4/10/14 2:37 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
It's more accurate to say that the Infovore software is a bridge
between Freebase,  DBpedia,  and other RDF data sets.  It merges data
sets in batch job and creates data sets that are normalized.


I think
also it

:BaseKB is a family of products produced from Freebase and Dbpedia
data using the Infovore software.  The main product,  :BaseKB Now,  is
a cleaned up version of the Freebase RDF dump that is much easier to
work with than the raw dump.  :BaseKB is similar to DBpedia and could
be used as a substitute in many applications,  but Dbpedia has some
unique and valuable information that is not in Freebase.

No need for the replacement pitch. You have a curation-branded dataset culled from DBpedia, Freebase etc... Once loaded, this dataset can serve many useful purposes in conjunction with existing DBpedia and Freebase data.

As for vocabulary conversion I get asked about that a lot.  One reason
I haven't done it is that every transformation you do to data risks
messing things up and the data quality issues are up in the air enough
that a half-baked effort at conversion will cause more problems than
it solves.

Mapping at the definitions level (data dictionary, schema, vocabulary, ontology) has more power and longevity than at the instance data level.

TBox (entity types definitions) & RBox (entity relation type definitions) driven tours are eternally superior to ABox driven tours, across the Linked Open Data cloud :-)

  If you keep the vocabulary separate,  you can query
Freebase's opinion and query Dbpedia's opinion and know things haven't
been worse.

The TBox, RBox, and ABox relations should always be loosely coupled. Conflation is our worst enemy in the Data Economy.

The mapping process would be done one predicate at a time and would
probably be guided by how prevalent the predicates are.  Some of the
predicates are going to be easy to process (just rewrite them) but
other ones might need more work if compound value types are involved
or if the types are literal types that have a system and domain
dependent meaning that needs to be preserved (is it feet or meters?)

It might also be useful to map to some third vocabulary.  I know
people would like to see DBpedia and Freebase through schema.org eyes
and I think that would be a good idea.

Yes, there should be many of these, all loosely coupled.

Common types and properties will get handled quickly but if somebody
is interested in some vertical,  say boats (20,000 known in Freebase)
they probably personally will need to do the work to figure things
out.  For instance,  Freebase is missing a lot of facts about boats
that are in DBpedia.  A union database will benefit from that,  and
there ought to be some community process where those fixes can be
expressed as rules and added to the system.

Yes, and there is value here for those who want functional business models in the Data Economy.


On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
On 4/9/14 4:53 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
   The type assignments in DBpedia are very precise (few false
statements) but not accurate in the sense that recall is poor;  many
things fall through the cracks.  The real problem is that the the
mappings are the map,  not the territory.  Wikipedia is an
encyclopedia for humans,  not for machines,  so DBpedia has to parse
whatever unsane markup they give us.

   Systems like Wikidata and Freebase can be edited by machines and
human ontologists and get better recall for types.


    is a conversion from Freebase to industry standard RDF.  You could
use :BaseKB as a substitute for DBpedia,  but DBpedia has advantages
too because in addition to the 4 million things important enough to be
in DBpedia,  there is another 37 million unimportant things in :BaseKB
that matter only to librarians,  video store clerks and professional

    These unimportant things will drive you crazy unless you master
them,  and the easiest way to turn down the noise is to restrict
search to the 4 million things.

    I could make you an RDF file that has statements such as

?dbpediaTopic a ?freebaseType .

    you could load that together with the rest of DBpedia.  That would
get you a long way towards good lists.  The trouble at this point is
that you don't have the freebase types connected to the DBpedia types
so you can't join them against the schema to find properties and such.
   Mapping the types to the DBpedia types would not be that hard either,
   since the two systems are well aligned.  Then you get something that
looks like DBpedia but has more accurate types.

     Freebase has more accurate and better populated data for things
like ticker symbols,  geo-coordinates,  genders,  birth dates and the
like.  It would not be hard to rewrite Freebase statements to

?dbpediaTopic ?freebasePredicate ?anotherDbpediaTopic .

    and that would produce something that would be remarkably user

:baseKB could (and maybe should) pitched as a human-and-machine curated
bridge between Freebase, DBpedia, and Wikidata (I think).

Have you considered mapping the classes and properties across DBpedia,
Freebase, and Wikidata?



Kingsley Idehen
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