On 4/13/14 8:32 PM, Patel-Schneider, Peter wrote:
On Apr 11, 2014, at 11:58 AM, Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:

On 4/11/14 2:12 PM, Patel-Schneider, Peter wrote:
This proposal illustrates one of the major problems with the DBpedia ontology - 
triples check in but they never check out.
Sorta, because of the misconception that SPARQL is steal Read-Only. I spend a 
good chunk of my day writing SPARQL 1.1 using INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE (via 
INSERT and DELETE combos) to massage data, across many data spaces.
How can I use SPARQL 1.1 to change the DBpedia ontology?

You can use SPARQL 1.1 (from your SPARQL 1.1 compliant application) to generate triples is a named graph local to your application, based solutions returned to you from the public SPARQL endpoint.

You can use LOAD, INSERT etc.. to produce your local RDF statements expressing whatever you have in mind. Once done, you can publish an RDF document for incorporation back into the DBpedia project etc..

Many of the problems with the DBpedia ontology require changes.
Change is good. And it will work. Remember, DBpedia deploys Linked Data using a 
Quad Store, so the re-write rules and SPARQL queries used to perform the 
name->address indirection are extremely flexible. For instance, you can 
actually set the named graph URI scope for these SPARQL queries explicitly or via 
our NOT FROM NAMED GRAPH extension re., negation etc..

You can have a list of Named Graphs or excluded Named Graphs when generating 
the description of a DBpedia Entity URI's referent.
I'm not sure how any of this can be used to effect changes in the DBpedia 

Until you make a local copy, as I described above, you will believe the statement to be true. All you are doing (ultimately) is make changes in a document and then sending them over for incorporation. In the very worst case, you RDF document content will still be part of the LOD Cloud as long as you publish it on the Web.

The first step is making an RDF document with the alternative view that you seek.

Other problems have to do with the expressivity of the ontology.
Again, its just triples to which SPARQL 1.1 patterns can be applied. In short, 
this is the way to truly appreciate the power of SPARQL and Linked Data.
Again, I'm not sure what play SPARQL 1.1 has with respect to the expressive 
power of the ontology.

SPARQL 1.1 let's you make new RDF statements from existing RDF statements. The DBpedia ontology is a collection of RDF statements.

   I don't think that changes here can be effected just by adding and removing 
bits of the ontology.
You can variants of the Ontology, an alternative Ontology, it doesn't matter, 
the Linked Data deployment will be unaffected.
Well, sure, none of this will affect most Linked Data uses, but that's not what 
I'm interested in.  I'm interested in using the DBpedia ontology to organize 

Yes, and information lives in documents, right? Thus, you simply grab the relevant data from DBpedia, massage it (using SPARQL 1.1 or other means) and then you have a new document (comprised of new or revised RDF statements).

I could, of course, simply use a different ontology, but my hope here is that 
use of the DBpedia ontology in products will result in a better ontology, and 
that that can be shared.

Yes, why is contributing tweaks to the DBpedia ontology using an RDF document produced by you not an option here? Do that, and everything else falls into place.

Other problems have to do with the philosophy of the ontology.
The philosophy of the Ontology cannot change, that's a world view of the ontology 
creators. That doesn't stop another ontology existing as an alternative set of 
"context lenses" into the same data.
It appears that the current ontology does not match the stated philosophy of 
the ontology.  One or the other should change, and probably both.

Can't you reflect that in an RDF document submitted to the project?

I encourage you to make your changes, or make a new ontology, whichever path 
you take, the end product will be useful and a showcase for perspectives 
sometimes overlooked due to blurred and blurry perspectives :-)
I would love to make changes.  There actually is a modified version of the 
ontology that is in use.

Is this ontology represented in an RDF document that's accessible via an HTTP URL, at this point in time? If it exists, then we are nearly there.



We can do this, its the next stage in the natural evolution of DBpedia and the 
broader Linked Open Data Cloud.

Note: there is zero speculation in my response. I've already done (and continue 
to do) a lot of this (hands on fashion)  over the years, following LOD cloud 
initial bootstrap.

BTW -- This mail was easy to write as I've just completed (literally minutes 
ago) a marathon session on SPARQL 1.1 which amounted to an ACL (data access 
policy and access control list) debugging session.




Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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