Hi Gunnar,

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org> wrote:

> I do not believe the year was a stalemate. Things were done quite
> differently than last year, and next year they will be done
> differently, because the teams have very different compositions and
> personalities. Many of us also have DebConf as a very recurring and
> important part of our participation in the project - and we have
> talked it over repeatedly.

I can only interpret things from when I jumped into the pool, which is
pretty much exactly one year ago so my view is naturally somewhat
limited to the aftermath of DC13, the sidelines of DC14 and the DC15
process so far.

As such, I didn't see much progress to perceived issues.

Please do _not_ take this as backhanded chair bashing or anything of
the sort. Being part of FOSDEM staff, I hold the highest respect for
anyone who is willing to go through the stress and work it takes to
make a conference a good conference. It's merely a statement of fact
that I didn't see much progress in the limited time I looked.

> We *have* had DebConf governance sessions in the past. They have been
> half-successful... But half-failure. They tend to draw too many
> uninvolved people, and to leave out many fundamental people (for very
> understandable reasons).

The plan as currently proposed by Tassia et al seems to address those concerns.

Thank you,
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