Thomas Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> We use the Debian
> distribution and a collection of shell- and Perl-scripts for the
> installation process. Changes to the configuration files of the
> operating system are made by the tool cfengine.

Why cfengine and not debconf?  It seems to me that debconf is a
natural for solving these problems.  In fact, there's no reason why
dbootstrap couldn't ultimately be replaced by a debconf script,
leading to a single system for automated (with conf file, network db,
whatever) or manual installation.

In fact, right now I'm looking at debconf'ifying base configuration.

> The home page for FAI is

Cool.  I see you're using base2_1.tgz.  Have you looked at
base2_2.tgz?  Let us know if you want to make any effort in merging
your efforts with the boot-floppies effort.


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