Hi John!

On 7/11/19 2:48 PM, John Blake wrote:
> I have a DS10L 617mhz and I can't figure out which version is the best to 
> attempt to install on it.  I'd rather avoid things like this issue with 
> systemd where they obviously haven't tried to actually test it on an alpha 
> processor, but I have no problem with recompiling things as necessary 
> (although I would like to avoid the Gentoo path of recompiling everything).

systemd works the same way on my Alpha XP-1000 as it works on my Intel boxes.

I assume you are talking about the non-functionality of a separate /usr 
but this is something that isn't guaranteed to work well on Linux, no matter 
one uses systemd or any other type of init daemon.

> The other question I have is whether or not someone has fixed the issue with 
> fdisk on the system, because I remember the last time I tried to install 
> linux on the system in question, it wouldn't format the drive with a BSD 
> partition as was necessary and after some discussion on some mailing list or 
> another it was discovered that the required functionality had been phased out 
> of fdisk a few years before, and nobody had noticed on either side that it 
> made it impossible to follow the given directions on the FAQ/wiki.  It was 
> still being automatically included with the distro and at the time I had to 
> burn an ancient stable version just to put the partition table right in order 
> to install.

debian-installer doesn't use fdisk (anymore), it uses partman. Did you try any 
the recent installation images, see [1]. Please note these images are currently
shipped without proprietary firmware.


> [1] https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/2019-07-07/

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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