
There's also an issue with the serial, it's now displaying in hex form
with openssl 1.0.1e-1

Attached is a patched for tinyca 0.7.5-3 that fixes both the issues
for me.

Attachment: pgpeKByhlNtTA.pgp
Description: PGP signature

--- /usr/share/tinyca/OpenSSL.pm.orig	2013-03-05 15:57:46.332286060 +0100
+++ /usr/share/tinyca/OpenSSL.pm	2013-03-05 15:57:53.408466038 +0100
@@ -605,6 +605,8 @@
          # dirty fix (incompleted) --curly
          $i = sprintf( "%x", $1);
          $tmp->{'SERIAL'} = length($i)%2?"0".uc($i):uc($i);
+      } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*([da-f]{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2})\s*$/i) {
+	$tmp->{'SERIAL'} = $1;
       } elsif ($_ =~ /Signature Algorithm.*: (\w+)/i) {
          $tmp->{'SIG_ALGORITHM'} = $1;
       } elsif ($_ =~ /Issuer: (.+)/i) {
@@ -823,10 +825,10 @@
    $cmd = "$self->{'bin'} $opts->{'cmd'}";
    $cmd .= " -config $opts->{'config'}" if(defined($opts->{'config'}));
    $cmd .= " -inform $opts->{'inform'}";
-   $cmd .= " -out \"$file\"";
    if($opts->{'outform'} eq 'TEXT') {
       $cmd .= " -text -noout";
    } else {
+      $cmd .= " -out \"$file\"";
       $cmd .= " -outform $opts->{'outform'}";
@@ -859,13 +861,17 @@
-   open(IN, $file) || do {
-      my $t = sprintf(_("Can't open file %s: %s"), $file, $!);
-      GUI::HELPERS::print_warning($t);
-      return;
-   };
-   $tmp .= $_ while(<IN>);
-   close(IN);
+   if ($opts->{'outform'} eq 'TEXT') {
+      $tmp = $ext;
+   } else {
+      open(IN, $file) || do {
+         my $t = sprintf(_("Can't open file %s: %s"), $file, $!);
+         GUI::HELPERS::print_warning($t);
+         return;
+      };
+      $tmp .= $_ while(<IN>);
+      close(IN);
+   }

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