
Dňa Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:30:09 +0100 Yves-Alexis Perez
<cor...@debian.org> napísal:

> > lightdm.conf:[LightDM]
> > lightdm.conf:[SeatDefaults]
> > lightdm.conf:greeter-hide-users=false
> > lightdm.conf:greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on
> > lightdm.conf:autologin-user=slavko
> > lightdm.conf:autologin-user-timeout=10
> I've tried to set autologin-user and autologin-timeout, and it works
> just fine for me, so I can't even reproduce your issue.

I did some more testing with autologin and tried it in three situations
- after reboot computer, after restart lightdm and after logout:

1, disable (comment out) both, the autologin-user and
autologin-user-timeout features:
  - after reboot/restart: the password is masked
  - after logout: the password is masked

2, enable only autologin-user, but leave commented
autologin-user-timeout (default to 0?)
  - after reboot/restart: cannot see the login screen, due
    immediate login of course
  - after logout: the password is masked

3, enable autologin-user and set the autologin-user-timeout > 0 (10 in
my case):
  - after reboot/restart: the password is visible
  - after logout: the password is masked

Then the clear text password is visible only after computer
start/lightdm restart and with the autologin enabled with timeout > 0.



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