Enrico Zini wrote:
> > There is quite a bit of language about unix times in the info docs. The
> > date command is complicated enough that you pretty much can't avoid
> > reading the full info about it; I don't see a practical way of adding
> > all the nifty features onto the manpage and still have it readable. 


> I don't think that one more one-line example would make the manpage
> unreadable.

For you it is a single line example.  For the other person it is a
single line example.  For any particular person it is not a problem.
But for everyone it is a single line example.  After you add one
example for everyone the manpage is then unreadable.

> If the main information is kept on info, then the manpage could really
> be made into a quick-reference sheet.  No explanations (refers to Info
> for that) and quick summary of commandline options and format sequences
> (as we have now), plus a bunch of one-line useful examples.

That is mostly the way things are now.  The man pages are generated
automatically with 'help2man' from the --help output.  This keeps the
man page up to date with the program.

> I'm personally a fan of collecting examples, and I find manpages with
> examples so much more useful than manpages with just lengthy
> explanations.  Best effects are acheived if useful ones are collected
> over time.

Patches to the documentation sent to the upstream bug reporting
address are always apprecated.  Since this is something that is better
handled upstream it is better to discuss the issue there.  Then the
entire team can help and comment.



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