0> In article <20180331011017.6aqdom452re4b...@mail.wookware.org>,
0> Wookey <URL:mailto:woo...@wookware.org> ("Wookey") wrote:

Wookey> So, Phil Sargent fettled the tunnel wiki to be properly
Wookey> standalone. I tidied up some more cruft, but the result is
Wookey> still 34MB.  I'm not convinced that the 250K tunnelx package
Wookey> should be expanded to 34MB just for the docs.

Ouch!  That does sound unreasonable.

Wookey> Putting the text back online might be a better use of that time.


Wookey> On the other hand if you know of a good tool for munging the set
Wookey> of pages to remove all those links and pages to make some thing
Wookey> which is just the core, then I may have a go to see if it can be
Wookey> got down to a more sensible size.

Unfortunately my knowledge of any such tools approximates zero.

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