Quoting Manoj Srivastava ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi,
>         To what end? I am upstream as well as the maintainer for this,

For your entire life ? :-)

>  and I use the BTS to track  TODO items. It is not as if people are
>  inundating me with bug reports about the style of interaction so
>  keeping yet another bug cluttering my view helps a lot of people not
>  to file bugs.

Anyway, I won't nag you anymore on that topic. We obviously disagree
on the issue which you obviously don't consider really important. So,
I'll probably stay with my position and wait for the templates being
translatable to use the style I, and French translators, think is
best appropriate.

The English templates will remain as is...among the various different
styles used by maintainers, which make a full install of dozens of
package a big mess of various ways to prompt users.

At least, please remove the extra capital in "I insist, You
blahblah". It is typographically incorrect.

But, promise made, I won't bring that up to the CTTE...:)

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