On Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 08:10:26PM +0100, Martin Budaj wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 4:25 PM Wookey <woo...@wookware.org> wrote:
> > It looks like moving to catch3 and adding:
> > target_link_libraries(test PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
> > in the test targets should do the trick.

> as we still need to maintain Catch2 v2 API compatibility to run CI tests
> and builds on older Ubuntu images, we can't simply migrate to v3.
> For now, I'll just enable using the bundled Catch2 instead of v3 installed
> in the system.

Note that doing so violates a "should" in Debian Policy:

    4.13. Embedded code copies

    Some software packages include in their distribution convenience
    copies of code from other software packages, generally so that users
    compiling from source don’t have to download multiple packages. Debian
    packages should not make use of these convenience copies unless the
    included package is explicitly intended to be used in this way.  [17]
    If the included code is already in the Debian archive in the form of a
    library, the Debian packaging should ensure that binary packages
    reference the libraries already in Debian and the convenience copy is
    not used. If the included code is not already in Debian, it should be
    packaged separately as a prerequisite if possible.  [18]

If you (as upstream) are going to have a bundled code copy of catch, you
could just bundle catch3 instead.


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