On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 10:36:29PM +0000, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> Thank you for caring about not breaking other packages, and yes, that's a
> good reason to not upload that new upstream for now.
> Does just the patch (not the new upstream) also break debugpy?  (It
> shouldn't be able to, since it only touches test code.)

It's taking time to locate the source of the problem.  It's a bit
messy: debugpy vendors pydevd, pydevd in turn vendors bytecode.  I've
split out bytecode and pydevd into separate packages.  Unfortunately,
the bytecode version in pydevd is behind that in Debian, though that
should not be too much of a problem.  The native version of debugpy
(with all other packages being Debian ones) passes all the tests in a
Debian testing lxc container, but with the Debian versions of
bytecode, pydevd and debugpy, it doesn't.  So something's gone wrong
somewhere, but it's taking some effort to locate (and hopefully fix!)
the cause.

Best wishes,


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