On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 09:46:16PM +0000, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> Is that a yes to>> Does just the patch (not the new upstream) also break
> debugpy?or have you not tried specifically that?
> (I'm looking for a quick fix for the autopkgtest fail to unblock the pandas
> 2.x transition.  I agree that upgrading to a new upstream is a good idea in
> the long run.)

Dear Rebecca,

A quick update on this: version -9 failed its autopkgtests on some
archs, so I uploaded version -10 this morning.  Hopefully that will
pass and migrate in a couple of days.

On the pandas front, though, I don't know if you've seen the roadmap:
version 2.2 is released, and version 3.0 is in preparation.  But 3.0
will depend on PyArrow - the string data type will use PyArrow as a
backend rather than NumPy as at present.  This is
and it looks like this is going to be a monster to package.  It's
probably worth getting a small group of developers together to work on
this soonish - I don't have the capacity to take it on, I'm afraid.

Best wishes,


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