> So ... I'm CCing this to the debian-java list with a question: is it
> reasonable to name a package 'libsvn-java' if the jar file it ships is
> named svn-javahl.jar?  I really don't like 'libsvn-javahl-java' as a
> name (reminds me of 'python-pyvorbis'), but if policy requires it,
> we'll use it.

While I posted it in my original bug report, I only now fully parsed the
second paragraph quoted from java policy, section 2.4:

   "Their classes must be in jar archive(s) in the directory
   /usr/share/java, with the name
   packagename[-extraname]-fullversion.jar. The extraname is optional
   and used internally within the package to separate the different jars
   provided by the package. The fullversion is the version of that jar
   file. In some cases that is not the same as the package version."

If I interpret this correctly in your case you could use svn as the
package name, and javahl as the extraname. In a way this seems
reasonable as the -javahl is there to distinguish from the
non-high-level bindings that have not yet materialized, but which could
one day.

This would yield the Debian package name libsvn-java, which does appear
better than the alternatives, in my opinion. Any objections to making
this change?


Big mistake
Many make
Rely on horn
Instead of

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