Søndag 21 januar 2007 00:50, skrev du :
> Don't waste your time and energy on acidLAB... spend it on acidBASE... the
> new package actually being managed upstream.

Okay - 

I'm rather new to Debian and haven't yet learned to find my way around the 
various repositories, since I've been working on the KDE translations for 
Skolelinux/Debian-edu using a local svn repo.  Christian Perrier threw out 
the pot-file for acidlab on the i18 list for translation and I responded.  
How/where do I find a file for acidbase to start translating? 


A: Fordi det er naturlig å lese ovenfra og ned.
Q: Hvorfor skal jeg skrive svarene mine under det jeg svarer på?
Siterings-HOWTO: http://www.bersvendsen.com/usenet/quoting.html

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