Anthony DeRobertis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> No, adding to conflicts wouldn't be right --- just because they are
> installed on the system does not mean they are in use (nor does them
> not being installed mean they aren't, with X being a network protocol
> and all). Adding the ones that grab F12 by default to README.Debian
> would be helpful, though.
It is a long search that i wish not to start, can you imagine how many
apps can potential do this in Debian ?? 
> X_GrabKey seems to be used for hotkeys that work anywhere, even when
> the app doesn't have focus. Once I learned that, it made sense that
> maybe Enlightenment is holding F12, because its in the keybindings
> file (I haven't tested this, so I'm still only guessing). I then
> changed the keybinding for skippy.
This depends on your use of X_GrabKey, if you give it the a special
window (the root one iirc) it will grab on any of them, but you can
use it for window specific operations also.

> Some more googling reveals that the call is documented as XGrabKey
> (without the underscore) at [0]. BadAccess is documented as meaning:
>      A client attempted to grab a key/button combination
>      already grabbed by another client.
> README.Debian would be more useful if instead of telling the user to
> just look for "key-grabbing applications", it told the user to check
> if other applications are configured to use the same hotkey as skippy
> and how to change skippy's hot key setting.
Ok, I'll had that to -2

> BTW: If there is some way to catch the X error that skippy spits out,
> and instead print out something like this, that'd be great:
>      The hotkey you have chosen to invoke Skippy, F12, is already
>      in use by another application. Please see see README.Debian
>      (in /usr/share/doc/skippy) for steps to take to fix this
>      error.
I've been browsing about that, but it is a *lot* of work, ( in fact,
as I understood, you only can re-implement the main X-error-handler,
and it is the only way because X_GrabKey always returns 1 ) and user
should read the doc before complaining anyways =)

> [0]

Thanks for your interest in this package,
Niv Altivanik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian::GNU/Linux::Addict, Wannabe Debian Developper, 
please test my packages:

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