On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 08:05:35PM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:
> > >Also, it would be nice if the next upload was to unstable (if you're
> > >targetting to release with lenny, that is ;-).
> > 
> > When libparted1.8-0 will be in Sid, that is. :]
> It compiled fine against libparted1.7 here.  Are there known problems with
> using this version?
There is no known problem if gnu-fdisk is linked against libparted1.7. I
started to package it using this version, but a very interesting feature
for mac powerpc users has come in the latest libparted1.8 release, the
HFS+ resize support. That's why i've chosen to build against

On s'aperçoit qu'on est devenu un spécialiste quand les choses 
dont on parle avec plaisir ennuient les autres.
        -+- Gilbert Cesbron (1913-1979), de petites choses. -+-

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