mån 2007-05-07 klockan 23:01 -0600 skrev dann frazier:
> hey Vincent,
>  linux-source-2.6.20 does not provide this changelog file, so if this
> is a bug it is most likely a bug in kernel-package. However, I can not
> reproduce with my usual make-kpkg commands.
> Please provide the command you executed to generate this error so that
> we might reproduce.

I'm afraid I've done something silly: investigating the problem, I
erased my source tree and unpacked a new one from the source package. In
retrospect I should just have renamed the old one. Now everything works
as expected, and I can't do any diffs to see what changed.

In case you're still interested, the command line was: sudo make-kpkg
--stem linux --config gconfig kernel_image.
Vincent Lönngren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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