Package: emacs-goodies-el
Version: 24.11-1

This works with GNU Emacs.  It implements the XEmacs minibuffer
behavior for C-x C-f and other file name reading actions.  When you
type "//", it clears the minibuffer back to the start, leaving only a
single "/".  When you type a "~", it does the similar, leaving only
"~/".  This is nicer than having to explicitly erase the contents of
the minibuffer.

The attached program is not entirely complete, wrt inclusion in
'emacs-goodies-el'.  You will have to determine that and decide what
needs to be done, if anything.

As for licensing, since it was taken from XEmacs, and it is GPL, this
code is also GPL.  I believe that it already belongs to the FSF; I've
signed papers for that, and thus my changes are also, hereby, Free.

Attachment: minibuf-electric.el
Description: XEmacs \"electric\" behavior for Emacs minibuffer.

Karl Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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