previously on this list people contributed:

>> Why then install an alternative at all. Experienced users install what
>> they want anyways. The DEs working best for "unexperienced" users would
>> be the DEs that do much work themselves,

Xfce allows more options and choice by default on a cd and
unexperienced users have a better chance of loading synaptic and a web
browser on xfce than heavier desktops and is meant to be more stable.

Hasn't Gnome or just GTK3? just removed cue tips shortcuts too affecting
mouse/touchless systems.

> XFCE (at least the version in Debian 8) doesn't automatically handle
> external monitors, which is a pretty significant use-case for all kinds
> of users.

I don't want to reboot right now but xfce4-display-settings in debian 7
does atleast after you have run xrandr and I would guess if plugged in
during boot up as my second screen comes up by itself with it's own
panels when it is.

> I do not think it's fair to expect a new user to be configure xrandr or
> find & install a 3rd party xrandr GUI.

You could add lxrandr to the default and the DE would still be smaller
than gnome. How modular is Gnome, you could even use their display
management tools until newer versions of xfce hit debian stable,
atleast you should be able to? 

I know xfce 4.11 might take some time to hit stable and has some extra
tweaks such as for having screens above and below each other. Perhaps
having an xfce backports choice during install is another idea but I
guess that couldn't be supported.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

I have no idea why RTFM is used so aggressively on LINUX mailing lists
because whilst 'apropos' is traditionally the most powerful command on
Unix-like systems it's 'modern' replacement 'apropos' on Linux is a tool
to help psychopaths learn to control their anger.

(Kevin Chadwick)


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