On 12/06/2014 at 05:47 AM, Tomas Pospisek wrote:

> Am 06.12.2014 um 00:55 schrieb Svante Signell:
>> On Fri, 2014-12-05 at 15:22 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>>> When NFSv4 development sparked the modern Linux keyring data
>>> model, we were delighted to switch (and then got very frustrated
>>> by the GPL-only tags on various keyring features, but that's
>>> another argument).
>> So I wish you a happy life with current (Debian chosen) technology,
>> it is perfect! No more problems with bugs popping up or people
>> being unable to boot their desktop computers/servers. Merry
>> Christmas :)
> So in apparently yet another tantrum you threw a buzzword ("OpenAFS")
> in the face of the audience, Russ actually managed to (miraculously)
> make sense of seeing that single word, answered and explained in
> detail. And the reply you produce is yet more polemic and snide and
> there's not a single (!) word of appreciation and acknowledgement of
> the argument of yours that Russ put in perspective or maybe refuted?
> It makes the impression on me that your goal is to prevent systemd
> by whatever means available you. It seems to be a holy grail of
> yours: total destruction of systemd and all of its misguided
> "followers".

I don't think this last is entirely fair; I don't think (she?)'s
interested in the total destruction of systemd, only in restoring it to
a niche off in the metaphorical corner - to a status of "if you want to
use it yourself, or advocate for others to use it, feel free - but don't
do anything that makes it harder for others *not* to use it".

Which I would actually agree with, albeit not with the type of vocal
attitude towards it which (she?) apparently brings to the table. I like
to think I'm both more rational and more reasonable than that.

> I've ddg'd a bit but was unable to find a killfile for Thunderbird
> yet. Does anybody know of such functionality for Thunderbird?

Tools -> Message Filters. I don't use it for killfile purposes in
E-mail, but I've used it that way (in "mark read" form, at least) on
Usenet, with reasonably good effect.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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