[ ⏰ 11/11/2015 23:28 ] [ ✎ Jeroen Dekkers ]
> Documentation should be put in /usr/share/doc, not in /etc. I always
> find it annoying to have to review lots of comment changes in
> configuration files during upgrades instead of simply the options that
> actually changed. With big config files it often results in running
> "grep -v '^#'" to figure out what the actual differences between the
> old and new file are...
I even remember having to validate some $DocId or something like that
lines at the top of config files being the only difference. But alas, I
had modified one option in /etc, so I had to go through extra loops to
end this stupid "delta" (only cme-enabled packages know the difference
between a changed comment and a changed directive).

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