I am open to suggestions.


On November 16, 2015 9:38:23 AM PST, Marc Haber <mh+debian-de...@zugschlus.de> 
>On Mon, 16 Nov 2015 20:29:48 +0800, Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
>>On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 8:15 PM, Marc Haber wrote:
>>> I am aware of that. That's one of my reasons for advocating giving
>>> needed love to ucf and to deprecate dpkg's conffile functions in
>>> of ucf. A extended / enhanced ucf can replace dpkg with a lot less
>>> work than would be necessary to bring dpkg's conffile handling into
>>> the 2020ies decade.
>>I note that merging ucf into dpkg is on the dpkg roadmap:
>I advocate doing things exactly the other way roud. Give package
>maintainers the power!
>-------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !!
>Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im
>Mannheim, Germany  |     Beginning of Wisdom "     |
>Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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