On Sun, 17 Jan 2016 09:07:56 +0100
Marc Haber <mh+debian-de...@zugschlus.de> wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Jan 2016 00:20:33 +0100, Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org>
> wrote:
> >Amen. I'm much happier how the last couple of releases were handled.
> >The release team(s) did an outstanding job.
> >And things like autoremovals are a god send.  
> I am not opposed to autoremovals. I am opposed to removing packages
> and not letting them back in after the bugs were fixed just because we
> can. We have never done this, and we shold not do that for stretch.

That is just an untruth, sorry.

At some point before the end of every freeze for every release, we have
*always* done this. It is inevitable. It may be (and preferably will
be) a short period at the very end of the freeze. It is stupid to allow
a package to migrate into what is to become stable the day before the
release - there must be *very* special reasons. Typically, the only
package that does that is debian-cd.

There *must* be a cut off, there has *always* been a cut-off. Whether
or not RC bugs are fixed, the package will not migrate unless the
release team decide that it should. Most of the way through the freeze
that is automatic. As it gets closer to the release, this stops
happening automatically. Anything else would mean we'd never actually
release at all. The lack of migration *into* the release at no point
precludes the need for the release team to remove a package from the
release, so there will always be a time at the end of the freeze where
removals cannot be undone, no matter the protests or complaints. At the
very end of the freeze, removals are no longer automatic but still
happen - after the point where return is possible. To be fair, the
release team don't take those decisions lightly but such removals have
happened for each of the releases with which I've been involved (back
to Lenny). None of the affected packages had any possibility of
returning into the release once removed and this was duly considered
as part of the removal. Sometimes, removal is simply the only way to
fix the bugs - the release can't wait forever or be held hostage to
buggy packages.

The reverse dependencies are considered too, it might be a fault in your
package but your package will still be removed from the release and
there will be situations where it will not be allowed to return.

This has been done for all releases, it will continue to be necessary
for stretch and subsequent releases. Automatic removal does not always
allow automatic return. Manual removal also does not always allow
return. Nothing guarantees that your package will be in the release,
diligence is required to keep up with email and bug reports, right up
until the last steps of the release.


Neil Williams

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