On 2019-08-08 13:47, Ondřej Surý wrote:
Please stop hating on sysvinit

So, just to clarify…  so, it’s ok to hate systemd, but it’s not ok to
hate sysvinit (spaghetti of shell scripts)?

I don't think that's a constructive line of argument. At the same time it's not a race to the bottom in terms of features. I think our baseline should be thinking in terms of the features of the default we have.

I don't have a great answer about the added maintenance cost that sysvinit support puts on maintainers and thus they are rejecting certain changes. I would like to say that I appreciate the work but personally not care, but I have learned the hard way that just keeping things working is a ton of work. And if you don't pay that cost stuff keeps rotting. Some of that could be addressed with better integration testing. But at the same time it does not answer the question on who pays the cost of rebasing changes, especially with more upstream packages providing base services building more around reliable systemd services. I feel like the answer is temporarily throwing out those parts if needed or accept that they are broken until they get fixed, but that might not be universally accepted, I guess.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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