On 09.08.19 15:51, Tomas Pospisek wrote:
> FWIW (I mean it, this is just anecdotical evidence): I have been
> recently upgrading a lot of containers and host and I have been unable
> to make lxc guest with systemd inits even start.
> Also, I have been having problems with ssh sessions taking 25 seconds to
> start on the remote side because of systemd and pam trying to initialize
> some systemd user session.
> I gave up on understanding both of those problems after an hour or two
> of research on each. After all, machines were down, automation was not
> working I had to get the stuff running again.
> So at this instant I can't see sysv going away because there's too many
> things not working in practice on my systems with systemd.
> *t

Tom, you are not alone. I use LXD with lots of containers - and i had

a) to use Ubuntu as host because LXD is not in debian yet

b) LXC is more fun with an LXD daemon

Some services still have problems, right now in all of my installations
i have a problem with redis - it just don't work with systemd inside of
the container. Filed a bug, the bug was closed without a solution in
debian, there is no solution in upstream nor in systemd - so my solution

a) give some silent swearwords to the involved parties

b) give a fuck about the reaction of the redis debian maintainer

c) delete the not working systemd service file and activate the service
over the fallback in init.d

More verbose: I used the f* word before and i will continue to do so.
Beside of that:

* i don't care about any init systems as long they work predictable

* for my use cases systemd works far more predictable than sysv

* there will be some things that are not optimal in systemd right now -
so what, let fix them

* same for sysv - as long sysv scripts are in debian package they should
be as bug free as possible

The ultima ratio for me (and i guess for the vast majority of user) is:
I like working software - so lets build working software. It might be
that some things right now don't work like expected, so improve these
things if possible.

Cheers Alf

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