Am Mittwoch, den 08.01.2020, 08:17 +0100 schrieb Philip Hands:
> Daniel Leidert <> writes:
> ...
> > Please ask during installation and give the question an appropriate
> > priority.
> > By choosing the priority you can even achieve a "silent" transition for
> > "normal" users and let more advanced users decide.
> This strikes me as clutter that will never be removed from debconf, so
> let's not decide to do that for every package that might need a timer.

Why should this question ever been removed? What is your goal? Getting rid of

> How about modifying the shipped /etc/default/spamassassin to include a
> comment explaining what's going on, and how to enable the timer instead?
> Anyone who's set CRON=1 will then get warned about the maintainer's
> modified version, which should catch their attention.  Everyone else
> will get a handy hint about the new setup if they ever go to set CRON=1
> in future.

And what s the benefit of this change: Getting rid of cron?

The very simple thing is: CRON=1 enables a cron job. It does *not* say: "Please
enable something different as long as it achieves the same." There is nothing
wrong with the cron job and it works perfectly fine. So I don't want to have it
replaced by something less transparent.

Why do you resist the appropriate behavior of raising a question whether the
user wants you to replace cron by systemd?

Regards, Daniel

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