Hi Colin,

Am Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 05:06:48PM +0000 schrieb Colin Watson:
>   https://freexian-team.pages.debian.net/debusine/
> https://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2023/MiniDebConf-Cambridge/debusine.webm

Looks good.
>   https://debusine.debian.net/

Jut created a token and run the first task (creating a chroot).

> While for the moment Debusine may seem like a less polished version of
> Salsa CI, it has very different goals,

Speaking about Salsa CI:  I would like to do what Enrico mentioned to
somehow re-run building some Salsa commit using sbuild and (optionally)
the autopkgtest on the result.

> https://freexian-team.pages.debian.net/debusine/tutorials/getting-started-with-debusine.html

This doc brought me just to creating the chroot.
> Please give us feedback, positive and negative; we want to make this a
> tool that Debian contributors use efficiently and pleasantly.

I'd love to but seems I need some kickstart help.

Thanks a lot to all who worked on this


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