On 12-Mar-00, 10:56 (CST), Ron Farrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I disagree! (surprise ;) I personally know of about ~4 people who were
> turned away from slink because GNOME and KDE were so OLD. I personally
> got around this by running potato (unstable then), but most people don't
> WANT to run unstable! 

Which is it? Do your friends want the newest bleeding edge stuff, or
do they want stability? They can't have both at the same time! Oh, I
see, the want the newest, but they want us to call it "stable".


Why is is this basic distinction so hard to explain to people? Testing
and reliability take time. During that time, new features are going to
show up in various parts of the system. Along with those new features
come compatibility and reliability problems. You can either have the new
features, or you can have a tested, stable, reliable *system*. *YOU*


Steve Greenland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Please do not CC me on mail sent to this list; I subscribe to and read
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