Filip Van Raemdonck writes:

> And if they have this new hardware, does it mean they should not be
> able to run Debian then?  If that's the case, better start rewriting
> some documentation...

What I ment was that it's quite easy to upgrade Slink to use 2.2
series kernel or newer XFree86. Neither it's difficult to change the
kernel on the rescue floppy if the provided kernel does not support
hardware. If, Samba, for example, is not new enough, it's not
difficult to fetch the sources and compile it.

Somehow, I fail to notice a major problem here.

I trust Debian unstable enough to use it on my workstation. There have 
not been many problems but a few that have been bad enough to make me 
convinced not use unstable on servers.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- # Ari Makela, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
use strict;my $s='I am just a poor bear with a startling lack of brain.';my $t=
crypt($s,substr($s,0,2));$t=~y#IEK65c4qx AR#J o srtahuet#;$t=~s/hot/not/;my
@v=split(//,$t);push(@v,split(//,reverse('rekcah lreP')));foreach(@v){print;}

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