On 30.11.2017 13:43, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
Do you know if Oracle intends to keep contributing Java LTS updates to
OpenJDK beyond the 6 months window (i.e. after March 2019 for Java 11)?

In the past, Oracle's plans for the duration of its contributions to an OpenJDK update release series have been publicized only once the update release has been well underway. Since work on JDK 11, much less its updates, hasn't begun yet, I unfortunately don't have anything to share so far.
"Remove deprecated pre-1.2 SecurityManager methods and fields"

As long as the SecurityManager isn't removed...

There is no plan to do so in the near or middle term, per http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/security-dev/2017-November/016526.html

We use these flags in jarwrapper to detect the endianness of the JVM and
initialize the java.library.path property. We'll have to use another
detection mechanism (like running an actual class that dumps the
sun.arch.data.model property).

You could look into the 'release' file instead, per https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8179600 it also contains information on the $ARCH the JDK was compiled for.

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