David Starner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > (This case seems similar to the one
> > where Next wanted to ship GCC with their own Objective-C frontend, but
> > not to release the frontend under the GPL.  RMS had his laweyrs write
> > to them and Next changed their mind.)

> But the frontend actually has to be linked to GCC.

I always wondered - if NeXT really had been serious about going
proprietary with their front end, what would have stopped them
from creating

- a fully GPL'ed GCC fork which had the ability to dynamically link
  to third party "plug-ins" for doing front-end stuff, using some
  appropriate open interface


- a proprietary, binary-only Objective-C plug-in?

Henning Makholm                               "... turning pussies into pies
                                                      Wouldn't do in my shop
                            just the thought of it's enough to make you sick
                           and I'm telling you them pussy cats is quick ..."

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