Brian Ristuccia writes:

> Also, as best I know, the only time RSA permits its tecnology to be used is
> in not-for-profit programs compiled with the RSAREF library. Not all the
> programs in non-free do this. 

But the programs that use RSA without RSAREF are in non-us, and using the
RSA algorithm without permission from RSADSI is not illegal under local
laws outside of the US.

Following the same logic, perhaps the Debian project could distribute
software implementing _any_ patented algorithm from servers located
in a jurisdiction known not to recognize algorithm patents, period.
The existence of non-us suggests some willingness to try to work around
some national laws (primarily with respect to crypto), and the same thing
might be done with respect to patented algorithms.

Richard Stallman once gave an interesting discussion of the distinction
between free software _in general_ and free software _for a particular
person_.  It seems to me that the distinction has not yet been clarified
enough for a world with many different jurisdictions recognizing vastly
different legal rights.

Seth David Schoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  | And do not say, I will study when I    | have leisure; for perhaps you will   (CAF)    | not have leisure.  -- Pirke Avot 2:5

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