On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 11:17:22PM -0600, Barak Pearlmutter wrote:
>   This software is licensed under the GPL [... standard boilerplate.]
>   In addition to the distribution rights granted by the GPL, this
>   software may used as a module linked to other modules resulting in a
>   whole which constitutes a single work, eg as a library linked into a
>   program, even if the entire program is not licensed under terms
>   compatible with the GPL, and the resulting work distributed,
>   *provided* that the composite work is distributed under
>   DFSG-compatible terms.

The G stands for "Guidelines".  It was never meant to be a legally solid
definition of free software, and it isn't.  I wouldn't use it as part
of a contract.

Richard Braakman

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