On 28 Jun 2001, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:

>John Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >noticed, we place a priority on real identities.  Or haven't you
>> No.  "Our priorities are our users and free software".  I really don't
>> remember "real identities of those connected with Debian" in there...
>> >noticed that this is one of the new maintainer requirements?  Or
>We secure the interests of our users by accountability and

Do you?  I can think of three packages that the maintainer is acting in an
unaccoutable and irresponsible way.  You may even think you know which
ones: I'm sure the DD responsible knows what I think of them.  I know for
a fact that it's damn well irresponsible for you to have tried to exclude
another today, and you're not being held accountable.  In stead, >I< am
being held responsible for my pseudonym.  Funny kind of world, isn't it,
when the pseudonymous one is more responsible than the "properly named"

>responsibility.  By providing to our users the true name of our
>developers, we give them a considerable measure of accountability.
>This is a very good thing.

This may be a very good thing (the jury's still out on that one), but what
is more important to the user: the name of the developer or the assurance
that the best person for the job wasn't told to leave?  These concepts
aren't mutually exclusive, yet it seems they are in your mind: because
they are the crux of what we've been saying the last hour or so.  I'll
freely admit that perhaps pseudonymity isn't for everybody: in fact, I
wouldn't wish it on many people, especially those with weak stomachs.  The
only problem here is that you won't get over the fact that my pseudonymity
somehow makes up for you trying to slap Hoffman down for the crime of
disagreeing with you.  For someone who was all het up on making -legal a
topic-centered forum less than 6 hours ago, you have certainly managed to
do a quick about face.  My congratulations on your mental agility (or was
that shiftiness?)

>It's something you are afraid to give.

Not afraid, unwilling.  Quit putting words in my mouth.


I can be immature if I want to, because I'm mature enough to make my own

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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