On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 21:08, John Goerzen wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 06:06:58PM -0500, David Turner wrote:
> > A program in the middle of a pipeline never directly accepts input from
> > the user, nor does it output direcly to the user.  
> Therefore it is not interactive.
> Bingo.
> PHPNuks is just that program.  Its pipeline looks like:
> web browser -> client network layer -> server network layer -> apache
>  -> mod_php4 -> phpnuke -> apache -> server network layer ->
>  client network layer -> web browser

I can only conclude that you are intentionally misunderstanding me.  Of
*course* I meant a shell pipeline here.  The whole context was shell

There is a clear and distinct difference between the grep in ls | grep
'^some.regexp$' | xargs rm, and PHPNuke! 

> > How does this sound for an interpretation of interactive in shell
> > scripts: "A program is running interactively if stdin and stdout are
> > ttys."  This should prevent most of the spam effect, right?
> Not if something is being called 200 times in a while loop that doesn't

I suppose that's probably true for something like rm, where input and
output don't really matter to the operation of the program.  Alas.

-Dave Turner                     Stalk Me: 617 441 0668

"On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters 
of principle, stand like a rock." -Thomas Jefferson

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