On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 02:36:51PM -0500, David Turner wrote:
> Indeed, in the current version, it is *perfectly clear* that mere
> modification triggers (2)(a) and (2)(c).  If it did not, why would
> (2)(b) specifically mention distribution?  

Even if it's agreed that the current language restricts modifications
that aren't distributed[1], it's far from clear whether this was the
intent, or that it's useful.  What's the point?  It seems like a restriction
that has no benefit to freedom at all.  Why do I need to date changes
for a program I'm not distributing?

Of course, if I make changes and don't date them, I might have trouble
later on if I change my mind and want to distribute them; but that'd be
my own fault.  The license certainly can't protect me from my own laziness.

[1] The fact that there's active debate over this should be proof enough that
it's not "perfectly clear".  Why not get an official position on this, don
the sombrero and settle it, so we can at least stop debating the wording?

Glenn Maynard

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