Glenn Maynard wrote:
On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 10:59:04AM +0200, Keith Dunwoody wrote:

I think this is the link: Some people (software companies) prefer not to license their code under the GPL, therefore they reject using GPL'd code. Other people prefer to not wear clothes, therefore they reject free t-shirts.

No.  Proprietary software authors don't not use GPL code because they
prefer not to.  They don't use it because the GPL prohibits them from
doing so.  Free t-shirts are irrelevant.  The GPL very deliberately
discriminates against proprietary software, in the interests of free
software.  We just can't read DFSG#6 that broadly.

I'm not going to argue over a comparison I didn't make myself. You said that the comparison made no sense at all, and so I was just providing a way you could link software & t-shirts -- not to endorse that view. But like other people have said, DFSG#6 obviously can't be applied to _every_ possible group. After all, are we going to stop distributing software which doesn't run under Windows because it discriminates against Windows users?

find / -user your -name base |xargs chown us:us

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