On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Ludovic Drolez wrote:
> Moreover, Jim Breen, the author of kanjidic, explained me that Jack
> Halpern's SKIP copyright statement is a "dead letter" (and kanjidic
> file has been used by freeware and shareware for a decade without
> Jack Halpern making any noise about it). He'll also see if Jack
> Halpern will agree to a more sensible copyright statement for the
> SKIP codes.

As far as copyright goes, non-enforcement does not change the
copyright at all one way or the other. Furthermore, Debian's useage
extends far beyond mere non-profit or research only useage, so the
history of the enforcement of its use in freeware and shareware for a
decade isn't particularly relevant.

If this were still an issue for kanjidic, the SKIP codes inclusion in
Debian would still require a valid license which is DFSG free. Mere
lack of copyright enforcement activity is not sufficient.

> Anyway SKIP codes are not distributed anymore with the latest upload
> of kanjidic, so I close this bug.

Please change debian/copyright to reflect that fact before you close
the bug.

Don Armstrong

All bad precedents began as justifiable measures.
 -- Gaius Julius Caesar in "The Conspiracy of Catiline" by Sallust


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