Jeremy Hankins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> + - The person who makes any modifications must be identified.  According
> +   to the Dissident Test this is an unacceptable restriction on
> +   modification.  (See the DFSG FAQ[1] for a description of the Dissident
> +   Test.)

Maybe I understand the word "identified" differently from other
people, but for me "identified" does not mean "identified in such a
way that the police can find the person". In context it seems to me
that the most reasonable interpretation of "identified" is with
respect to other people in the ChangeLog. So, you don't pretend to be
someone else in the ChangeLog, and you don't pretend to be more than
one person in the ChangeLog. But you can use a nom de guerre if you
want. (And you can use just your real name, if you want, even if your
real name is something like "John Smith" which wouldn't help the
police much on its own.)

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