Jakob Bohm wrote:

> Another common cause of non-distributable software happen when a
> single program combines parts under different free licenses**
> that conflict with each other in some way that makes the
> combination null and void.
s/null and void/undistributable/

Or, "some way which means that there is no valid license to distribute the

>  This is the most unfortunate kind of
> non-free software, all the parts are free** but we cannot ship
> it no matter how much we would like to do that.  Such conflicts
> can often be fixed by adding a permission notice**[link to
> above] modifying one of the licenses so it no longer fails the
> conditions imposed by the other licenses.
> Examples and solutions:
> BSD with advertising clause + GPL2**
> OpenSSL + GPL2 (happens a lot)**
> QPL + GPL2 (happened to KDE version 1)**

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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