>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Thomas Sniffen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Brian> The idea from DFSG 3 that modifications must be able to be
    Brian> "distributed under the same terms as the license of the
    Brian> original software" seems to be an important component of
    Brian> Freedom.  I really do think, on consideration, that this
    Brian> means the actual license I had, not a big document listing
    Brian> all of the licenses I might get if I paid the author or
    Brian> became a teacher or ceased to operate nuclear power plants.

So are you now disagreeing with your responses to my message about
licenses that provide additional permissions to classes of users?

(I've thought about your desire to rephrase in terms of restrictions
and additional permissions.  I believe that it is additional
permissions we discuss here, not additional restrictions.  The reason
is that the default state in copyright is that you have no permission;
we speak of limited grants of copyright, not limited restrictions.)

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