* M?ns Rullg?rd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040902 17:11]:
> > In particular, he seems to be relying on German "Authors' Rights", and
> > claims to be in discussion with Debian people.  That's nearly a month
> > ago.
> More specifically, he claims to be in discussion with Debian how to
> stop SuSE from doing what they have every right to do.  I know nothing
> about German law, so I can't comment on that bit.

Only thing in German law I could imagine is that he could withdraw some
of his work. Which would require him to pay everyone what it is
currently worth before the ban can take effect and make it impossible
for him to allow others to use it. Anyone knows some reading if there is
any other possibility and if this possibilty is even applicaple to

  Bernhard R. Link

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