I wrote:
>Andrew Suffield writes:
>>On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 07:51:58PM +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote:
>>> > You also need to turn this question around and ask it the other way:
>>> > does having these drivers in contrib actually hurt anything?
>>> Yes. It currently means that we can't ship an installer with support for
>>> this hardware, because we don't use material from contrib and non-free
>>> by default.
>>Putting these drivers into main instead of contrib would not alter
>>this, because it still wouldn't work without non-free. Any *practical*
>Yes, quite a lot actually - we can then ask people to feed a floopy or
>CD containing the vendor-supplied firmware. Do keep up...

Gah, wrong list.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,
Tongue-tied & twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...

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