Yep, here's the associated politics:
and especially:,1759,1775159,00.asp

It will play well to the cheap seats if Microsoft can cram a few
obvious stupidities of its own through the examination process (which,
as we have seen, is not the arena where real challenges to patents are
brought) and then say, "see, we have something to lose by tightening
patentability standards too."  Then they can sponsor legislation that
makes it harder to enforce genuine, valid patents in the courts under
cover of USPTO reform.

Catch this bit of Microsoft's proposal:  "Create a special court that
would consolidate and hear all patent cases at the federal district
level in order to improve consistency and predictability of patent
litigation."  In other words, take the power to investigate the facts
surrounding patent infringement out of the hands of Federal district
courts nationwide, which are quite difficult to systematically
subvert, and concentrate it in a single, brand new, revolving-door,
D.C.-based court of "fact".  Now do Microsoft's efforts to play both
ends against the middle start to make sense?

- Michael

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