On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Francesco Poli wrote:
> When the uncompressed form is really huge, maybe even the upstream
> maintainer thinks it's inconvenient to work with.  In that case, he/she
> may prefer to modify the compressed form directly: hence, the source
> code is really the compressed form!

That doesn't follow.  The uncompressed form may be inconvenient because it's
dozens of times the size of the video and he has limited bandwidth.  Or
because he's releasing 40 videos but he only edits them one at a time, and
has enough disk space for an edit (since he edits them one at a time), but
not for all 40 at once.  Or because the uncompressed form fits on 15 DVDs
and the compressed form fits on one and copying 15 extra DVDs is too much

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