Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> > How about: "There is a special exception for the texts of the
> > licenses under which works in Debian are distributed;"
> It's not just enough for that; it has to be a license specifically
> being used as a license under which a work in Debian is being
> distributed. [IE, in debian/copyright or specifically included by
> reference from there.]
> For example, a second copy of the GPL in a package under the GPL would
> not be acceptable, nor would a copy of the GPL in a package not under
> the GPL.

I presume the distinction you're making there is between license texts
that are already distributed in /usr/share/common-licenses/ and
license texts that aren't.

Distributing a license text that already exists in
/usr/share/common-licenses/ may (I can't recall) be against the
Policy; but why is it something we'd want to prevent on Social
Contract grounds?

If that's not what you're arguing, please explain.

 \         "Broken promises don't upset me. I just think, why did they |
  `\                                      believe me?"  -- Jack Handey |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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